Respect for customer privacy and security guides every action we take at Ring. From giving customers easy-to-use products and services that help them protect and connect to the places, people and things that matter to them to prioritizing the privacy, security and control of their devices and personal information, our commitment to privacy is built on the following guiding pillars.
Our Privacy Pillars.
Keeping your videos safe.
Ring encrypts your videos at rest and in transit by default. Please see the Video Encryption page in Control Centre for more information.
This additional, advanced encryption option gives you even more control over who can view your videos. Learn more.
With a Ring Protect plan, your videos are securely stored in the cloud and can be deleted at any time. Your videos will be permanently deleted from our servers according to the storage period in your plan. Learn more.
Keeping your account secure.
This mandatory second layer of verification helps prevent unauthorised access to your Ring account. Learn more.
You will receive an email notification any time a new device logs into your Ring account. Learn more.
We take steps to monitor and block any identified potentially unauthorised login attempts into your Ring account.
You’re in control.
Control Centre allows you to view and control important privacy and security settings from one dashboard in the Ring app. Learn more.
See all devices (phones, tablets, computers) that are logged into your Ring account. Click “Remove all” to force devices to log out.
View and manage the services you authorised to link to your Ring account via Ring authentication, like Alexa, and IFTTT. You can remove any individual service, at any time.
Ring Privacy FAQ
If you do not have a Ring Protect Plan, Ring does not record or store your videos, but you can still view your device's live video stream (Live View).
If you do have a Ring Protect Plan (including a free trial), Ring records and stores videos when motion is detected by your device (including devices linked to cameras such as an alarm system’s motion detector), the video doorbell button is pressed, or you initiate Live View. Video recordings in your account are automatically deleted following the expiration of your account’s applicable storage period under the Ring Protect Plan. For additional information regarding Ring’s video storage periods, see here.
When you create a share link for one of your Ring videos, a copy of that video is made in the cloud to facilitate sharing. You can manage your shared videos in the Shared Video Management feature in Control Centre within the Ring App and There, you can unshare videos, which deletes the shared copies and makes the videos inaccessible to people with whom you previously shared those links. The original videos in your Ring account, however, are not deleted until you delete them in the Ring App or, or they reach the expiration of your Ring Protect Plan’s applicable storage period.
If you have a Ring Protect plan (including a free trial), you can access your stored recordings, download them, manually delete them one by one, or delete them all at once in the Ring app or on Stored recordings are automatically deleted following the expiration of your Ring Protect plan’s applicable storage period. For additional information regarding Ring’s video storage periods, see here.
You are always in control of who you grant video access to. By using the Shared Users function, you can add users to your account, who will then be able to view and download video recordings on the account. You can also share video recordings via text or email by creating a share link to the recording. After a share link has been created, the video recording may be viewed and downloaded by anyone with the share link ID. Additionally, you can make your videos publicly available by posting them on the Internet (including by posting them to the public social media app, Neighbors* by Ring).
You’re in control of who you grant video access to. You can add Shared Users to your account, who will then be able to view and download video recordings on the account. You can also share video recordings via text or email by creating a share link to the recording. After a share link has been created, the video recording may be viewed and downloaded by anyone with the share link ID. Additionally, you can make your videos publicly available by posting them on the Internet (including by posting them to the public social media app Neighbors* by Ring).
The Shared Users function allows you to share device access with family, housemates, and others, without sharing your login credentials. Shared Users can answer and receive alerts, view video recordings, and modify their personal alert settings, but they cannot delete videos, delete devices, or change device settings.
For help adding someone as a Shared User, please click here.
A small number of video recordings are viewed by our research and development team to improve Ring’s products, services and technology. These video recordings are either from customers who have made them publicly available (by posting them on the Neighbors* App or otherwise on the Internet), or from customers, team members and their friends and family who have given us explicit permission to use them for this purpose (which they may revoke at any time).
A small number of video recordings are viewed by our research and development team to improve Ring’s products, services and technology. These video recordings are either from customers who have made them publicly available (by posting them on the Neighbors App* or otherwise on the Internet), or from customers, team members and their friends and family who have given us explicit permission to use them for this purpose (which they may revoke at any time).
No, Ring does not provide law enforcement agencies with direct access, or any sort of “back door access”, to a user’s personal information, including videos. Before sharing user information (including videos) in response to legal requests, Ring requires that law enforcement agencies send a written request for personal information (e.g., subpoenas, search warrants or court orders) to Ring directly. For additional information, see our law enforcement guidelines. For additional information, see our law enforcement guidelines.
No. Ring team members, similar to other members of the general public, can only view the video recordings that you have elected to make publicly available by posting them on the Neighbors* App (or otherwise on the Internet).
No. Ring team members cannot activate and view live streams from your Ring device.