Home Security, a Family Affair.

Home Security, a Family Affair.

Having seen how useful and convenient a Ring Video Doorbell had been for their son Jamie and his family, Reg and Linda from Scotland decided to begin their own smart home security journey.

Here's what happened next. 

Make sure deliveries arrive safely on time

Starting with a Ring Video Doorbell Pro of their own, the couple quickly found that having a Video Doorbell isn't just for peace of mind, it also helps make sure deliveries arrive safely on time. "Having Ring saves our postman having to write out a card or take packages back to the depot."

To make it a little easier to hear alerts anywhere in their home, Reg and Linda installed a Chime to link to their Ring Video Doorbell Pro. "Some of the delivery people don’t ring the bell, they just knock on the door. But having the Chime, it notifies us if somebody rings the bell. And our living room’s at the back of the house, so there’s been times when I’ve sort of heard a faint knock on the door. So it's really handy from that point of view as well."

It wasn't long before the couple began thinking about installing more smart home security devices from Ring. "We’ve actually expanded our system to Ring Alarm and Floodlight Cam in the back garden.”

Check in on what matters most 

Most important to the pair is the convenience that Ring devices offer – such as the ability to check in on what matters most, from wherever they are. Reg and Linda spend a lot of time in their back garden and put a lot of love and care into their plants.

They discovered that they could use their Floodlight Cam to keep an eye on their flowers and shrubs whenever they go on holiday. So while on holiday during the summer months, Reg and Linda can take a look at the garden and if things are looking a little dry, they can get someone round to do some watering. "We go to France every year in our caravan, that’s our main holiday. It's quite good because when we are away and if the weather’s quite nice, we can get our son Jamie round to water them.

If, like Reg and Linda, you want an easy to install and simple to use whole-home security system that is built to suit you, then get started. Find out more here.